The launch of the Paper Shell Anthology has been a mainstay in UBCO’s cultural calendar for 16 years, and this year will be no exception. The only difference, of course, being its newly online format. On the bright side, holding the launch over Zoom will increase its accessibility by inviting a widespread audience to join in on the evening’s literary delights.
The Paper Shell Anthology is an annual publication consisting of works written by UBCO students and edited and published by students enrolled in the course CRWR 472 in UBCO’s Department of Creative Studies. As a collective, the work includes fiction, poetry, prose, screenplay, and stageplay. Throughout the evening, there will be short readings by many of the writers, followed by virtual mingling where questions can be asked and conversation is encouraged. This year, the event’s hosts are the talented Meg Miskiman and Mackenzie Griffin.
Taking place on Friday, March 26th from 7pm-8:30pm via Zoom, everyone is invited to hear some refreshingly original works and to join the Paper Shell team in their celebration of the written word.
Thanks to Meg Miskiman, The Phoenix received an exclusive preview of some of the works that will be featured in this year’s anthology:
the world is spun
at the tip
of a #2 pencil
- “Prophet of Lead,” by Jordan Colledge
My nails splinter and stain as I peel back
layers of fat, revealing tendon and bone,
dust and wallpaper. My hands
speckled-brown, bananas left too long
in the sun.
- “Cut, Paste, Edit,” by Rachel Macarie
“That’s the thing about scratching too long and too hard. It brings blood to the surface. Specks cluster around the irritated skin as it forms bumps and grows rough in an attempt to defend itself from the constant scratches. Almost like hickeys, but without the bruising. A lot easier to hide.”
- “Ignoring the Itch,” by Sophia Cajon
This event is online via Zoom, and open to all ages, however, please be advised there may be mature language and subject matter.
[Zoom info: Meeting ID: 661 6336 8324 Passcode: 673697. Link is also in Facebook page.
Please note you will need to login to Zoom to attend this event.]