Something millions of people around the globe have had to consider in the past year is how the logistics of self-isolating within their homes would work if they get infected. This is also a question my three roommates and I had to consider two weeks ago when some of us had possibly been exposed to COVID-19, making it necessary for us to divide up our living spaces.
While, of course, there were other, more urgent issues that we dealt with, there was also food to consider. How would we get our meals whilst keeping isolation in place? How would we be able to cook without access to the kitchen? With all these factors in mind, these are the few recipes that have ultimately made it into my repertoire so that if you ever have to isolate in your room with only a kettle, some dishes and utensils, and a few containers, you are fully prepared.
Some things to consider before beginning your isolation period:
· Make sure the power sources in your bedroom can handle plugging in your kettle
· If you use containers, make sure they are microwavable and therefore able to handle the heat of the water
· Make sure to order vegetables in cans and in other non-perishable forms so that they do not go bad if you do not have access to a minifridge.
· Be careful when you order groceries online! Stay safe and wear a mask!
Dorm room classics – ramen, soup
If you ever lived in a dorm room or knew someone who did, you know that the cheapest, most efficient meals are the ones that come in cups. These include cup noodles and cup-a-soups.
Quick meals that do not come in cups, such as ramen, are also easy to cook with just a kettle. In a container, pour boiling water from the kettle over the ramen, enough to just submerge it, and close the container with the lid. After a couple of minutes, when it feels like the noodles are cooked, pour in the flavour packets and mix it together.
Get rid of the flavour packets that come with the ramen and replace it with soy sauce and some peanut butter, throw in some vegetables, and make it a healthy, hearty meal! If you do not like soy sauce, feel free to try out a variation with stock cubes.
Cooking with chickpeas
Canned chickpeas and lentils are a versatile source of protein that make a neutral base for any dish. Since they come pre-cooked, they make for a very fast solution to hunger.
Chickpea soup, for example, is an easy dish to whip up. Pour some hot water into a container with vegetables and chickpeas, seasoning, and add some rice if you would like. Miso paste is also a great addition if you would like an umami flavour.
Replace the chickpeas with lentils or other beans depending on your preferences. Season to your liking and make sure to store leftovers in airtight containers. Do not leave out for too long if you do not have access to a fridge.
Sandwiches, Salads, and Wraps
Forgo the kettle and make a meal that does not need any heat!
Putting together some pre-cut vegetables from cans can make a salad, but you can make things interesting by adding a can of chickpeas, and season with salt, pepper, lime, and any other spices that you like.
Use the salad as filling within slices of bread with some shredded cheese to make a sandwich, or put in a tortilla wrap to add carbs to your meal.
What would you add to this list? DM us your quick, easy recipes and solutions to no-kitchen cooking!