For many writers, isolation is an essential part of their practice. While there’s no doubt that these days many of us are experiencing more isolation than is to be desired, UBCO’s Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies is offering writer’s the chance to experience the fruits of seclusion through its paid artist residency program in a true haven aptly named, the Woodhaven Eco Culture Centre, in Kelowna’s Mission area.
While the program accepts applications from a variety of artists including visual artists, digital media artists, and performance artists, this year, they are specifically inviting creative writers of all genres to apply for the residency.
Located in a nature conservation area within the unceded territories of the Syilx Nation, the Woodhaven Eco Culture Centre is committed to supporting artists and students whose practices raise ecological awareness in an era of climate change and extinction. By providing paid opportunities for artists to contemplate, work, and engage with the local nature and community, the Centre hopes to contribute to the visualization of a more sustainable and intersectional way of being. Writers are encouraged to practice their craft within the context of the Centre’s regard for the environment and sustainability.

This year, the residency program offers a chance for one writer (plus family, if applicable) to live and practice their craft in the cozy, two-bedroom home, which also includes a dedicated writing studio. The chosen writer will spend between 4-8 weeks at the Centre this summer where they will spend 80% of their time working on their craft, and 20% of their time focused on public outreach, including at least one public lecture or reading that the university will help organize. Interested writers are invited to propose their own initiatives for community engagement in their letter of interest. In addition, the writer will be paid $1000 per week and travel costs will be covered.
As UBCO is launching a new bachelor’s degree in Sustainability, the university hopes this residency will become a vibrant part of its commitment to building communities, both locally and globally, that are committed to creating and sharing knowledge and creative practices dedicated to the mindful preservation and just stewardship of the natural environment.
Applications will be accepted until March 5, 2021. Particular encouragement is given to BIPOC writers and those from marginalized groups that are traditionally underrepresented in nature writing, literary art and sustainability, and ecologically-focused creative practice.
Find more information about this residency, including how to apply, at https://fccs.ok.ubc.ca/about/events-workshops/artist-in-residence/